------------------------- U of MN Extension Service FO-01008
Revised 2000

Managing Lawn and Turf Insects
Managing Lawn and Turf Insects

Credits and Other Information

Web sites on Turf IPM

University of Minnesota: Sustainable Urban Landscape Information Series
See turf management section.

North Carolina State University: Turf Files
Good source of information on turf pests.

Ohio State University: PlantFacts database. http://hcs.osu.edu/plantfacts/web/index.html 
Search engine for information related to horticulture and crop science from 46 different colleges, universities, and institutions across the U.S. and Canada.

Ohio State University: Ohioline
Landscape and turf database covering thousands of publications from Ohio State University.
Search the site on lawns to get descriptions and management of all turf pests as well as other aspects of turfgrass management such as diseases, maintenance, turfgrass selection, etc.

University of Kentucky: Turf
Type in turf at the site’s search engine and some interesting turf management bulletins can be found.

University of Maryland: UMTURF
Landscape and turf fact sheets.

Golf Course Superintendent’s Association
Books and management related information.

Publications on Turf IPM

Bradenburg, R. and M. Villani.1995. Handbook of Turf Grass Insect Pests. Entomological Society of America, 140 pages, call (301) 731.4538 to order.

Vittum, P.J., M.G. Viliani, and H. Tashiro, 1999. Turfgrass Insects of the United States and Canada. Cornell University Press, 391 pages, ISBN 0-8014-3508-0. A great reference book. Order at any bookstore.

Cranshaw, W. 1997. Turf Grass Insects in Colorado and Northern New Mexico. Colorado State Cooperative Extension, 38 pages, ISBN 1-8891-4300-6 Visit their website to order, http://www.ext.colostate.edu/

Pound, W.E., J.W. Rimelspach, and D.Shetlar. 1999. Management of Turf Grass Pests, Weeds, Diseases, and Insects. Ohio State Extension Bulletin L-187-00. 20 pages, visit Ohio State Web site to download or order copy.

Orth Lawn Care. All About Lawns. 112 pages, $9.95.

Photographic Credits

  1. Grub. Ascerno
  2. May/June beetle. Davidson
  3. Annual white grubs or masked chafers. Krischik
  4. Black turfgrass Ataenius. Davidson
  5. Green June beetle. Davidson
  6. Japanese beetle. Krischik
  7. False Japanese beetle. Krischik
  8. Oriental beetle. Davidson
  9. Bluegrass billbug. Krischik
  10. Sod webworm adult and larvae. Ascerno
  11. Sod webworm adult and larvae. Ascerno
  12. Variegated cutworm, black cutworm. U Minnesota Entomology
  13. Variegated cutworm, black cutworm. U Minnesota Entomology
  14. Cutworm in ball. Davidson
  15. Armyworms. U Minnesota Entomology
  16. Leafhoppers. Ascerno
  17. Greenbugs or aphids. Ascerno
  18. True hairy cinch bug. Ascerno
  19. False chinch bug. Ascerno
  20. Big-eyed bug. Ascerno

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