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CUES: Center for Urban Ecology and Sustainability

Table: Diagnosis and Control of Nectria Canker
Pest Identification Host Plants Damage Symptoms
Honeylocust Canker
Nectria cinnabarina
Honeylocust, elm, maple, and other hardwoods, with significant damage occurring on honey locust. The symptoms associated with nectria canker may include wilting or leaf drop as the result of girdling, as well as cankers, and dieback. Cankers usually form on the main stem, but may appear on branches. These cankers typically have a sunken appearance. Many times the fungus will produce coral or orange colored fruiting structures on the canker.
Monitoring Control Options Pesticides
Honeylocust trees should be monitored for symptoms of water stress. In addition extra precautions should be taken to avoid untimely pruning and wounding. These practices and monitoring can help to prevent initial infections. Trees should also be monitored for sunken cankers with coral spots. There are no chemical control measures for nectria canker. Increasing the vigor of the tree through watering (also to avoid water stress) and planting an appropriate tree on the proper site will help to prevent infection by nectria. In addition, avoiding untimely pruning or other wounding will help reduce infection by nectria. None
Description and Life History
Description: Honeylocust canker is a fungal canker that infects the main stem and branches of trees. This fungus produces spores on coral colored cushion structures known as sporodochia and on red-orange colored perithecia.

Life history: Fungal spores produced on infect trees are dispersed to healthy trees by rain splash and possibly pruning tools. These spores enter the tree through wounds that penetrate the cambium layer. After infection the canker expands for approximately one year until a layer of callus forms. In the spring and early summer sporodochia are produced and during summer and fall perithecia are produced. Cankers may persist on infected trees for years.

Overwintering: The fungus overwinters in the infected wood of the tree.


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Last modified on March 07, 2013