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CUES: Center for Urban Ecology and Sustainability

Table: Diagnosis and Control of Dothistroma Needle Blight
Pest Identification Host Plants Damage Symptoms
Dothistroma Needle Blight
Mycosphearella pini
In the Midwest:
Austrian, ponderosa and mugo pines
Yellow to reddish-brown spots and bands on needles.

Dead needle tips: spots and bands girdle needles, causing them to dieback from the tips.

Branch defoliation and dieback, starting on lower branches and spreading upward within the tree.

Monitoring Control Options Pesticides
Inspect nursery stock carefully, and plant only healthy trees.

Look for symptoms any time during the growing season.

Plant disease resistant varieties of Austrian pine (seed source: Yugoslavia). Avoid planting Austrian pines in open, exposed areas, prone to winter injury. Do not plant susceptible species next to infected trees. Promote good air circulation by adequate tree spacing and weed control. Do not prune or shear trees when foliage is wet.

Apply registered fungicides in mid to late May (protect older needles) and 4 to 6 weeks later (protect current-year needles).

Bordeaux Mixture

Copper Fungicides

Description and Life History
Description: This disease can cause significant damage to pines planted outside their natural ranges. Young trees are likely to be damaged more than older trees, and seedlings may be killed within 1 year.

Life history: The fungus overwinters mainly on infected needles on the tree. Infected needles release spores during wet weather during spring and summer. Needles of all ages can become infected, however, current-year needles are immune to infection until they have emerged from the needle sheath.


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Last modified on March 06, 2013