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CUES: Center for Urban Ecology and Sustainability

Table: Diagnosis and Control of Lophodermiun Needle Cast and Brown Spot Needle Cast
Pest Identification Host Plants Damage Symptoms
Lophodermiun Needle Cast
Lophodermium seditiosum

Brown Spot Needle Cast
Mycosphaerella dearnessii

In the Midwest, Scotch and red pine are the most common hosts. Austrian and mugo pines may also be attacked. Brown spots with yellow margins on needles. Infected needles then turn yellow, then brown and drop off prematurely.

Branch defoliation and dieback: bottom-up, inside out pattern within the tree.

Monitoring Control Options Pesticides
Inspect nursery stock carefully, and plant only healthy trees.

Look for:

Brown spots with yellow margins on needles:
Lophodermium- appear in early spring
Brown Spot - appear in late summer

Black, spore producing structures on dead needles:
Lophodermium - football-shaped and conspicuously protruding when wet.
Brown Spot - irregularly shaped and only slightly protruding when wet.

Physical: Plant disease resistant ling needles Scotch pine varieties. Do not plat susceptible species next to infected trees. Promote good air circulation by adequate tree spacing and weed control. Do not prune or shear trees when needles are wet.

Chemical: Apply registered fungicides:

Lophodermium: apply 3-4 time, every 2-3 weeks from late July through October.

Brown Spot: apply when needles are half elongated and 3 to 4 weeks later.

Bordeaux Mixture
Description and Life History
Description: Both diseases cause needle browning and defoliation . They are particularly damaging to short-needled Scotch pine varieties of all ages, and can kill Scotch pine seedlings in the nursery.

Life history: The fungi that cause both diseases overwinter on diseased needles and release infective spores during wet weather. The peak infection period for brown spot is June and July. The peak infection period for Lophodermium is August through October. Infective spores are spread via wind, rain and pruning tools.


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Last modified on March 06, 2013