
Cranshaw, W. 1992. Pests of the West. Fulcrum Publishing, Golden, CO.

Eisel, M. E. and M. H. Meyer. 1994. Culture of Garden Roses, FS-1105. University of Minnesota Extension Service, St. Paul, MN.

Hahn, J. D., R. P. Wawrzynski, and V. A. Krischik. 1996. Insecticide Suggestions to Manage Landscape Tree and Shrub Insects, FO-0704. University of Minnesota Extension Service, St. Paul, MN.

Johnson, W. T. and H. H. Lyon. 1991. Insects That Feed on Trees and Shrubs. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.

Krischik, V. A., K. J. Bevacqua, and A. M. Hanchek. 1997. CUES for Hardy Roses, SS-6751. University of Minnesota Extension Service, St. Paul, MN.

Krischik, V. A., K. J. Bevacqua, and A. M. Hanchek. 1997. Selecting Hardy Roses for Northern Climates, FO-6750. University of Minnesota Extension Service, St.Paul, MN.

Krischik, V. A., and K. J. Bevacqua. 1996. Sustainability in Urban Ecosystems, FO-6709. University of Minnesota Extension Service, St. Paul, MN.

Pfleger, F. L., and S. L. Gould. 1996. Rose Diseases, FS-1163. University of Minnesota Extension Service, St. Paul, MN.

Stroom, K. T., Krischik, V. A., and K. J. Bevacqua. 1997. CUES for Insect Identification on Roses, SS-6954. University of Minnesota Extension Service, St. Paul, MN.

Zuzek, K., M. Richards, S. McNamara, and H. Pellett. 1995. Roses for the North. Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, Report 237 University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. (Extension Distribution Center number MR-6594).

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