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Quiz 1: Importance of Habitat Conservation for Wild Bees and Other Pollinators

1. Where might bees be found nesting?

Artificial nests

Dead trees

In the ground

Any of the above, depending on species

2. How can you use insecticides in a way that reduces harm to pollinators?

Treat the entire area with broad-spectrum insecticides

Use chemicals with a lower toxicity to bees

Spray during the day to scare bees

Spray by air

3. Which of the following influences native bee populations on farms?


Amount of natural habitat adjacent to farms


Livestock grazing

4. What amount of human food and drink comes from pollinated plants?




One in three mouthfuls

5. Why use native bees?

They can be more efficient than honey bees due to longer activity periods

Native bees are unable to sting repeatedly

Native bees are never harmed by insecticides

All of the above

6. What crops can benefit from native pollinators?




All of the above

7. How many blue orchard bees are needed to do the job of one or two honey bee colonies in a fruit orchard?

The same - one or two colonies of blue orchard bees




8. What are two possible factors contributing to honey bee colony collapse disorder?

Diseases and honey prices

Cell phone use and feral cats

Insecticides and viruses

Competition with bears for honey resources and poor diet

9. What bill did congress pass to help pollinators?

Farm Bill

Pesticide Management Bill

Pollinator Protection Bill

Residue Management Bill

10. When native pollinators are present, yield in some crops can increase by how much?




Double or triple

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Last modified on May 07, 2013