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Quiz 5: Bees and Pesticides

1. Do most insecticides kill bees?



Only larvae in nests

Only social bees

2. How can you avoid killing pollinators when you spray insecticides?

Spray in the evening when bees are not foraging

Spray leaves, not flowers

Use contact insecticides

All of the above

3. Why are systemic insecticides toxic to bees?

The insecticides are translocated from the soil to nectar and pollen in flowers

The plant increases the toxicity of the insecticide

The plant stops producing pollen and nectar and starves bees

The plant stops growing

4. What are signs of insecticide toxicity to bees?

Rapid movement


No movement

All of the above

5. Why are the names of systemic insecticides?




All of the above

6. The LD 50 means the dose of the insecticide that kills 50% of the animal population that it is tested on. A low number indicates that the insecticide is:

Not toxic

Very toxic

Has acute effects

Has chronic effects

7. Where do I find out the kind of insecticide used in a product?

Look for the words 'active ingredient' or 'A.I.' on the label

Look for the the kind of insect that is killed by the insecticide

Look for the directions for use

Look for the application rate

8. What is a contact insecticide?

It kills by contacting the insect when it walks on the plant where the insecticide was sprayed

It kills when the insect eats the leaves where it was sprayed

It kills when the insect sits on the plant

All of the above

9. Are organic insecticides non-toxic to bees?

Not necessarily

Yes, they are always non-toxic

There is no such thing as an organic insecticide

Only when applied during foraging

10. Which insecticide will not kill foraging bees when sprayed on leaves?

Spinosad active ingredient

Imidacloprid active ingredient

Carbaryl active ingredient

Bifenthrin active ingredient

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Last modified on May 08, 2013