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Management of Cottonwood Leaf Beetle

Comparison of standard (granular, drench) and novel (tablet, stick soak, root dip) imidacloprid treatments for cottonwood leaf beetle

Imidacloprid is used on agricultural and ornamental crops against a wide variety of pests, but data on efficacy and duration for various treatments are needed. Standard drench studies demonstrated protection for 5-24 months against hemlock wooly adelgid, Adelges tsugae (Annand), on hemlock (Cowles et al. 2006, Steward and Horner 1994, Webb et al. 2003).

Our studies showed that a novel imidacloprid stick soak killed Chrysomela scripta for 10 months after treatment on greenhouse-grown poplar (Tenczar & Krischik 2006). A novel tablet study protected eucalyptus for 1.7 years (Collett & McBeath 2007) and root dip studies protected rose for 2.5 months against Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, (Gupta & Krischik 2007) and peach for 3 months against black peach aphid, Brachycaudis persicae, (Passerini) (Shearer & Frecon 2002).

Our objectives were to determine the efficacy and duration of imidacloprid for field and container-grown hybrid poplar.

Efficacy and duration for all standard and novel treatments in the field and greenhouse will be 12 months.


  1. NM6 polar sticks were planted on 14 June 2004 in both the field and in containers in three blocks.

  2. Imidacloprid treatments (granular, drench, and tablets) were applied on 30 July 2004 (greenhouse containers) and 6 August 2004 (field).

  3. Granular treatments were applied at 0.12x-0.5x to match amount of active ingredient (AI) with other treatments.

  4. Stick soak treatments were hydrated for 48 hours in solution prior to planting.

  5. Root dip treatments were hydrated for 5 minutes in solution prior to planting.

  6. Beetle survivorship was evaluated for 12 months after 96-hour exposure to leaves from imidacloprid-treated and untreated plants.


Results: Field Poplars

  1. Granular (0.5x) and tablet (0.25x and 0.5x) treatments killed adults for 12 mo.

  2. Granular (0.12x, 0.25x, and 0.5x), drench (0.5x and 1x), and tablet (0.25x and 0.5x) treatments killed larvae for 12 mo.

  3. Drench (0.25x) and stick soak (0.5x, 1x, and 2x) treatments killed larvae for 1 mo.

Results: Greenhouse Containerized Poplars

  1. Granular (0.12x, 0.25x, and 0.5x), drench (0.5x, 1x, and 2x), tablet (0.25x, 0.5x, and 1x), and stick soak (2x) treatments killed adults and larvae for 12 mo.

  2. Stick soak (0.5x, 1x, and 2x) and root dip (1x, 2x, and 4x) treatments killed adults for 8 mo and larvae for 12 mo.

Field Poplars Adults % Survivorship Larvae % Survivorship
Treatment Rate 1 mo 12 mo 1 mo 10 mo 12 mo
Control N.A. 91.7 a 99.1 a 90.0 a 100.0 a 91.2 a
Granular 0.12x 0.125 g (AI) 38.3 cde 100.0 a 3.3 ef 33.3 bc 55.6 bcd
Granular 0.25x 0.25 g (AI) 8.3 de 94.9 a 0.0 f 16.7 bc 41.7 cd
Granular 0.5x 0.5 g (AI) 6.7 e 67.1 c 0.0 f 0.0 c 0.0 e
Drench 0.25x 0.12 g (AI) 83.3 a 98.1 a 30.8 cd 50.0 abc 73.6 ab
Drench 0.5x 0.24 g (AI) 40.0 bcd 95.4 a 0.8 f 25.0 bc 36.1 d
Drench 1x 0.48 g (AI) 10.0 de 92.1 ab 3.3 ef 0.0 c 24.1 de
Tablet 0.12x 0.125 g 43.3 bc 97.2 a 15.0 def 16.7 bc 68.5 abc
Tablet 0.25x 0.25 g 23.3 cde 71.8 c 20.8 cdef 0.0 c 2.8 e
Tablet 0.5x 0.5 g 71.7 ab 79.4 bc 54.2 b 0.0 c 2.8 e
Stick Soak 0.5x 0.24 g (AI)/L 88.3 a 100.0 a 55.0 b 100.0 a 76.5 ab
Stick Soak 1x 0.48 g (AI)/L 93.3 a 99.0 a 42.5 bc 75.0 ab 70.3 abc
Stick Soak 2x 0.96 g (AI)/L 81.7 a 99.0 a 22.8 cde 75.0 ab 70.1 abc
Root Dip 0.5x  0.24 g (AI)/L Root dip treatments in the field died or were stunted; therefore these treatments were excluded from the field study.
Root Dip 1x 0.48 g (AI)/L
Root Dip 2x 0.96g (AI)/L
F (df), P ANOVA  49.1 (12, 70), <0.001 13.3 (12, 217), <0.001 17.6 (12, 182), <0.001 10.1 (12, 65), <0.001 21.8 (12, 216), <0.001
Greenhouse Poplars Adults % Survivorship Larvae % Survivorship
Treatment Rate 1 mo 8 mo 12 mo 1 mo 8 mo 12 mo
Control N.A. 98.6 a 100.0 a 95.8 a 88.8 a 76.2 a 86.4 a
Granular 0.12x 0.125 g (AI) 5.6 c 0.0 b 4.2 c 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c
Granular 0.25x 0.25 g (AI) 8.3 c 0.0 b 4.2 c 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c
Granular 0.5x 0.5 g (AI) 2.8 c 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c
Drench 0.5x 0.24 g 2.8 c 8.3 b 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c
Drench 1x 0.48 g 9.7 c 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c
Drench 2x 0.96 g 4.2 c 0.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 b 0.0 c
Tablet 0.25x 0.25 g 47.2 b 0.0 b 4.2 c 27.9 b 0.0 b 0.0 c
Tablet 0.5x 0.5 g 38.9 b 0.0 b 4.5 c 13.9 bc 0.0 b 0.0 c
Tablet 1x 1.0 g 33.3 b 0.0 b 4.5 c 13.9 bc 0.0 b 0.0 c
Stick Soak 0.5x 0.24 g (AI)/L 1.4 c 25.0 b 66.7 ab 0.0 c 0.0 b 20.8 bc
Stick Soak 1x 0.48 g (AI)/L 5.6 c 8.3 b 75.0 ab 0.7 c 0.0 b 20.8 bc
Stick Soak 2x 0.96 g (AI)/L 6.9 c 25 b 50.0 b 0.0 c 0.0 b 8.3 c
Root Dip 1x 0.48 g (AI)/L 8.3 c 8.3 b 81.8 ab 0.0 c 0.0 b 39.4 b
Root Dip 2x 0.96 g (AI)/L 11.7 c 8.3 b 64.3 ab 0.0 c 0.0 b 7.1 bc
Root Dip 4x 1.9 g (AI)/L 0.0 c 8.3 b 65.0 ab 0.0 c 0.0 b 5.0 c
F (df), P ANOVA  44.5 (15, 269), <0.001 10.7 (15, 80), <0.001 28.7 (15, 166), <0.001 49.8 (15, 269), <0.001 62.6 (15, 81), <0.001 15.3 (15, 165), <0.001

Tablets were as effective or more effective than standard granular and drench treatments, can protect trees for 1 yr, and can be reapplied to manage Chrysomela scripta and conserve biological control agents. Stick soak reduces the amount of (AI) used, but should be studied at higher rates in the field. Tablets and dormant root dips can be used in other commodities, such as Christmas trees, nursery, and landscape.


Collett, N. G., and J. McBeath. 2007. Managing insect pests in Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.) plantations in Victoria using insecticide tablets at establishment. Aust. For. 70: 53-60.

Gupta, G., and V. A. Krischik. 2007. Professional and consumer insecticides for management of adult Japanese beetle on hybrid tea rose. J. Econ. Entomol. 100: 830-837.

Shearer, P. W., and J. L. Frecon. 2002. Managing Brachycaudis persicae (Homoptera: Aphididae) during peach orchard establishment. J. Econ. Entomol. 95: 368-371.

Tenczar, E. G., and V. A. Krischik. 2006. Management of cottonwood leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) with a novel transplant soak and biorational insecticides to conserve coccinellid beetles. J. Econ. Entomol. 99: 102-108.

Published here: Tenczar, E. G., and V. A. Krischik. 2007. Comparison of standard (granular and drench) and novel (tablet, stick soak, and root dip) imidacloprid treatments for cottonwood leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) management on hybrid poplar. J. Econ. Entomol. 100: 1611-1621.

Management of cottonwood leaf beetle with a transplant soak and biorationals
Comparison of standard and novel imidacloprid treatments for cottonwood leaf beetle

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Last modified on March 06, 2013